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Academic Search Premier (EBSCO):

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Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Physics,Psychology, Religion & Theology, Etc.

Magazines, Journals, and Periodicals.,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=aph


eBook Academic Collection:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=e000xna


Funk & WagnallsNew World Encyclopedia (EBSCO):

Over 25,000 Encyclopedic Entries Covering aVariety of Subject Areas,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=funk

History Reference Center (EBSCO):

Full Text for more than 650 HistoricalEncyclopedias and Other Non-Fiction Books

Full Text for Nearly 60 Leading HistoryPeriodicals; 58,000 Historical Documents; 43,000 Biographies of HistoricalFigures; more than 12,000 Historical Photos and Maps; and 87 Hours ofHistorical Film and Video,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=nfh

Newspaper Source (EBSCO):

Selected Full Text for Over 200 Regional U.S.Newspapers, International Newspapers, Newswires, and Newspaper Columns,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=nfh

Points of View Reference Center(EBSCO):

Designed to Provide Students and Schools witha Series of Controversial Essays

Presents Multiple Sides of a Current Issue

Essays Provide Questions and Materials forFurther Thought and Study






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Academic OneFile (Gale)

Complete source for peer-reviewed scholarly articles across all academic disciplines

Communications and Mass Media (Gale OneFile)

Articles on advertising and public relations, linguistics, and related fields

Academic OneFile Select (Gale)

Scholarly journals and periodicals across academic disciplines.

Fine Arts (Gale OneFile)

Articles art history, music, drama, filmmaking, and related fields

Gale eBooks (Gale eBooks)

Enjoy unlimited access to top reference eBooks.

General OneFile (Gale)

Magazine, news, and journal articles on general interest topics and current events

Informe Academico (Gale OneFile)

Una coleccion de revistas hispanicas con textos completos.

Literature Resource Center (Gale Literature)

Biography, criticism, and overviews on writers and specific works in all disciplines

LitFinder (Gale Literature)

Literary works, biographies, images and much more for the lit student.

Opposing Viewpoints (Gale In Context)

Continuously updated information and opinions cover hot issues

Gale Literature: Scribner Writer Series

Signed essays on 2,000 authors and genres from the acclaimed print series.


In-depth critical introductions to the lives and works of major writers of the world withi ...

Literature (Gale Literature)

Literary content integrates with subject indexing for a full research experience.

Culinary Arts (Gale OneFile)

Recipes, restaurant reviews, industry information, and more


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JSTOR Daily offers a fresh way for people to understand and contextualize their world. Our writers provide insight, commentary, and analysis of ideas, research, and current events, tapping into the rich scholarship on JSTOR, a digital library of more than 2,000 academic journals, dating back to the first volume ever published, along with thousands of monographs, and other material. In addition to weekly feature articles,we publish short daily blog posts that provide the backstory to complex issues of the day in a variety of subject areas, interviews with and profiles of scholars and their work, and much more.

Criminal Justice (Gale OneFile)

Articles on law, law enforcement, security, terrorism, and more

Elementary (Gale In Context)

Learn about animals, plants, music, science, sports, and more

Pop Culture Studies (Gale OneFile)

Articles on popular culture analysis and more

Middle School (Gale In Context)

Academic articles, images, topic selections, and more for middle schoolers

Religion and Philosophy (Gale OneFile)

Articles on world religions, philosophies, and related fields

High School Edition (Gale OneFile)

Information on high school research topics plus pop culture, sports, and more

U.S. History (Gale OneFile)

Robust coverage for both novice historians and advanced researchers.

World History (Gale OneFile)

Well-rounded coverage of current thinking and scholarly work.

Vocations and Careers (Gale OneFile)

Articles on job searching, building a career, and more

War and Terrorism (Gale OneFile)

Articles on war and its causes, current events, terrorism, and more

Military and Intelligence (Gale OneFile)

Articles on governmental policies, socioeconomics effects of war, and more

Diversity Studies (Gale OneFile)

Articles that explore cultural differences, influences in society, and more

Gender Studies (Gale OneFile)

Articles on gender studies, family/marital issues, health, and more

Vocations and Careers (Gale OneFile)

Articles on job searching, building a career, and more

Academic OneFile Select (Gale)

Scholarly journals and periodicals across academic disciplines.

Gale eBooks (Gale eBooks)

Enjoy unlimited access to top reference eBooks.

General OneFile (Gale)

Magazine, news, and journal articles on general interest topics and current events

Opposing Viewpoints (Gale In Context)

Continuously updated information and opinions cover hot issues

Pop Culture Studies (Gale OneFile)

Articles on popular culture analysis and more

High School Edition (Gale OneFile)

Information on high school research topics plus pop culture, sports, and more

U.S. History (Gale OneFile)

Robust coverage for both novice historians and advanced researchers.

World History (Gale OneFile)

Well-rounded coverage of current thinking and scholarly work.

War and Terrorism (Gale OneFile)

Articles on war and its causes, current events, terrorism, and more

Military and Intelligence (Gale OneFile)

Articles on governmental policies, socioeconomics effects of war, and more

Culinary Arts (Gale OneFile)

Recipes, restaurant reviews, industry information, and more

Communications and Mass Media (Gale OneFile)

Articles on advertising and public relations, linguistics, and related fields

Fine Arts (Gale OneFile)

Articles art history, music, drama, filmmaking, and related fields

Religion and Philosophy (Gale OneFile)

Articles on world religions, philosophies, and related fields

Diversity Studies (Gale OneFile)

Articles that explore cultural differences, influences in society, and more

Gender Studies (Gale OneFile)

Articles on gender studies, family/marital issues, health, and more

Elementary (Gale In Context)

Learn about animals, plants, music, science, sports, and more

Middle School (Gale In Context)

Academic articles, images, topic selections, and more for middle schoolers

Criminal Justice (Gale OneFile)

Articles on law, law enforcement, security, terrorism, and more

Literature Resource Center (Gale Literature)

Biography, criticism, and overviews on writers and specific works in all disciplines

LitFinder (Gale Literature)

Literary works, biographies, images and much more for the lit student.

Gale Literature: Scribner Writer Series

Signed essays on 2,000 authors and genres from the acclaimed print series.


In-depth critical introductions to the lives and works of major writers of the world withi ...

Literature (Gale Literature)

Literary content integrates with subject indexing for a full research experience.

Academic OneFile (Gale)

Complete source for peer-reviewed scholarly articles across all academic disciplines

Informe Academico (Gale OneFile)

Una coleccion de revistas hispanicas con textos completos.