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Civil War

Videos depicting various battle strategies.

Civil War Innovations

Brief descriptions of technology developed during this period.

covers most topics

Analysis of impact of print media on the conflict.

Describes how soldiers on both sides drew comfort and inspiration from music.

Library of Congress

About Brady's working methods and the importance of his work.

Overview of hospitals, transportation and general treatment of war casualties.

Military and Intelligence (Gale OneFile)

Articles on governmental policies, socioeconomics effects of war, and more

Describes the role of music on the battlefield, shows instruments, sample songs

Brief article presents some of the challenges of Civil War medicine.

Battle fields, soldier database, camps


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Describes how both sides used Espionage as part of their military strategy

U.S. History (Gale In Context)

Academic articles, videos, primary documents, and more on topics in U.S. history

Videos depicting various battle strategies.

Civil War Innovations

Brief descriptions of technology developed during this period.

Analysis of impact of print media on the conflict.

Describes how soldiers on both sides drew comfort and inspiration from music.

Library of Congress

About Brady's working methods and the importance of his work.

Overview of hospitals, transportation and general treatment of war casualties.

Describes the role of music on the battlefield, shows instruments, sample songs

Brief article presents some of the challenges of Civil War medicine.

Battle fields, soldier database, camps


Use NoodleTools to cite your sources and take notes.

Describes how both sides used Espionage as part of their military strategy

covers most topics

Military and Intelligence (Gale OneFile)

Articles on governmental policies, socioeconomics effects of war, and more

U.S. History (Gale In Context)

Academic articles, videos, primary documents, and more on topics in U.S. history