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Database help

Do you need help in accessing the databases?  Below are some of our most requested  help sheets and tutorials. Remember to visit your library if you require more assistance!

Academic Onefile

Environmental Studies

Gale in Context:  Elementary

Gale in Context:  Middle School

Gale to Google Integration

You can now download documents directly into your Google Drive!  Simply click the Google Drive icon  in the toolbox at the top of the article you wish to save.  There is also a Topic Finder tool which will present the user with a visual search.

Browse these videos for more information.

Gale Tools:  Saving to your Google Drive

                     Using the Citation Tool

                     Using the Topic Finder

Teachers may also share resources with students through the Google Classroom.  In addition, the "in Context" databases are aligned to the Ontario curriculum - teachers may choose the subject strand and browse through related resources. 

Gale Tools:  Google Classroom Integration