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Student ebooks and audiobooks

Below are options our building has available for accessing ebooks and audiobooks from any device, anywhere, anytime -- even when the school building isn't open and during school breaks! If you need assistance with passwords, please email Miss Klinker. 

Gale eBooks (Gale eBooks)

Unlimited access to high-quality, nonfiction books.

Destiny Discover

Access our school's print and digital books here.

Teen Book Cloud

Available through SWPL; no library card required.


Available through SWPL; THOUSANDS of digital books; Requires library card number. See tutorial for requesting online library card.

These tutorials will help you locate and use the digital book platforms available to FHHS Students.

This collection of more than 70 full-text eBooks is for middle and high school students. Topics include 21st-century careers, responsible technology use, and Social-Emotional Learning (powered by INFOhio)