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Science (Gale OneFile)

Updated daily, this collection includes 1.6 million articles and 200 journals.

High School (Gale In Context)

An engaging student experience merges magazines, news, multimedia and more.

"Explore 18,421,620 items from libraries, archives, and museums" DPA

Easy to use, colorful and informattive encyclopedia by World Book.

Gale eBooks (Gale eBooks)

Enjoy unlimited access to top reference eBooks.

General OneFile (Gale)

Magazine, news, and journal articles on general interest topics and current events

Popular Magazines (Gale OneFile)

The most popular and current magazines available from all of the Gale resources

Middle School (Gale In Context)

Academic articles, images, topic selections, and more for middle schoolers

High School (Gale In Context)

An engaging student experience merges magazines, news, multimedia and more.

Gale eBooks (Gale eBooks)

Enjoy unlimited access to top reference eBooks.

General OneFile (Gale)

Magazine, news, and journal articles on general interest topics and current events

Popular Magazines (Gale OneFile)

The most popular and current magazines available from all of the Gale resources

Middle School (Gale In Context)

Academic articles, images, topic selections, and more for middle schoolers

Science (Gale OneFile)

Updated daily, this collection includes 1.6 million articles and 200 journals.