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Input search criteria for your subject matter.  The more specific you can be, the better your search results will be at meeting your information needs.  Ex: "teen mental heath" is a better search than "mental health."

GC.01 - GC.09: Foundations of Constitutional Government

GC.10 - GC.15: The Legislative Branch

GC.16 - GC.18: The Executive Branch

GC.19 - GC.22: The Judicial Branch

GC.28 - GC.30: Tennessee State and Local Government

GC.31 - GC.35: Citizen Participation

US.01 - US.07: The Rise of Industrialization (1877 - 1900)

US.08 - US.18: The Progressive Era (1890 - 1920)

US.19 - US.27: Imperialism and World War I (1880 - 1920)

US.39 - US.44: The Great Depression and New Deal (1929 - 1941)

US.45 - US.58: World War II (1936 - 1945)

US.59 - US.70: Cold War (1947 - 1991)

US.71 - US.77: A Nation in Transition (1950s - 1963)

US.78 - US.82: Civil Rights Movement (1950s - 1960s)

US.83 - US.95: The Modern United States (1960s - present)

E.01 - E.08: Scarcity and Economic Reasoning

E.09 - E.15: Supply and Demand

E.39 - E.44: National Economic Performance

E.45 - E.50: Trade

W.01 - W.09: Age of Revolution (1750-1850)

W.10 - W.16: The Industrial Revolution

W.17 - W.28: Nationalism and Imperialism (1850-1914)

W.29 - W.40: World War I through the Depression (1910s-1930s)

W.41 - W.56: Rise of Totalitariansim and World War II (1930s-1945)

W.57 - W65: Cold War (1945-1991)

W.66 - W.76: Creation of New States and Decolonization (1940s-1980s)

W.77 - W.89: Understanding the Contemporary World (1980s-present)