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Newspapers/Primary Sources

AP Newsroom

Associated Press - since 1846. Independent, global, news organization dedicated to factual reporting. Most trusted source of unbiased news.

Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society

Domestic justice to international, gender to crime, education to law—helps students develop critical thinking skills and become informed citizens

News (Gale OneFile)

Regional, national, and world newspapers

Opposing Viewpoints (Gale In Context)

Continuously updated information and opinions cover hot issues

Smithsonian Primary Sources (Primary Sources)

Brings the past to life with a curated collection of images and documents directly from th ...

journal (Gale OneFile)

Search the full text of The New York Times (starting in 1985).

Newspaper Source Plus

Millions of articles from newspapers and newswires, television and radio transcripts, and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.